Invite Positive Energy into Your Home with Smudging

Sage Puja -

Invite Positive Energy into Your Home with Smudging

Can a lovely bunch of sage sticks truly transform our lives? Smudging improves a person's mental, emotional, and physical well-being by evoking a weighty, pure presence and a pleasant, calming aroma. Smudging is a ritual that has been used by many Native American tribes, including the Cahuilla, Lakota, Chumash, and others, for thousands of years as a means of discharging negative energy.

The burning of Sage maintains a range of problems at bay. Smudging with sticks, also referred as "Spiritual Hygiene," is the purest method of purging negativity from one's mind and environment.

The smoke of the sage helps to maintain a balance in the body's energy while repelling approximately 95% of the microorganisms in the air. To keep a clean, healthy, peaceful, and joyful environment at home or at the office, adopt this holistic healing tool.

Step 1: Gather the Essentials for Smudging

  • a bundle of your preferred sage sticks
  • a candle
  • a matchstick or lighter
  • a fan for fanning smoke (optional)
  • an essential oil diffuser
  • and a bowl of sand to act as an extinguisher

Step 2: Establish Your Goals and Choose a Mantra to Chant

The first crucial step you must take before beginning the smudging procedure is to set your intentions. Set clear intentions to encourage good energy and rid your environment of negativity, evil spirits, and other contaminating elements, whether they are for your family or your house. Choose a slogan as well to increase the advantages.

Step 3: Light the Sage Sticks

Having decided on your intentions and gathered all the necessary materials, let's begin the smudging procedure by lighting the sticks at their very tips with a matchstick or a lighter. For around 25 to 30 seconds, hold the sage carefully at a 45-degree angle downward. Then blow the flame slowly to allow the smoke to fill the room.

Step 4: Direct the Smoke Inside your Home or Office

To fend off negativity in your home or office, carefully move this lit smudge stick around each room's corner and throughout the entire house. Make sure to let the negative energy leave your home by opening the windows and doors. Additionally, be sure to set aside anything that is flammable.

Step 5: Proceed with the Closing Ceremony

To make a note, do not put out the sage with water; instead, firmly press the stick's tip into a bowl of sand, a porcelain bowl, or a shell-shaped receptacle for sage. Chant the last mantra and prayer as you go along, and then declare your goals to complete the ceremony.


Where Can I Buy Sage

Sage should only be burned carefully and with reverence for the traditions that led to this ancient ritual if you plan to do it in your own house, place of business, or apartment.

Buy Sage online at India Sajawat & Puja Hut or in store at 31 Melanie Drive, Brampton Ontario available at the same great price you would pay online.